Mental Health for Teens: Helping Adolescents Stay Mentally Healthy

Mental Health for Teens: Helping Adolescents Stay Mentally Healthy

Phillipa Brown
July 31, 2024
5 min read
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Our teenage years are a time of rapid growth, exploration, and self-discovery. They are exciting times filled with a lot of new experiences. And while they can be filled with fun, it can also be a time for higher stress levels from various factors like insecurity, bullying, or peer pressure. Moreover, there are many biological changes happening in our body that pose challenges to our mental health. 

As parents, caregivers, educators, and mentors, it's important for us to understand the importance of mental health in teens. We must recognize common issues they face, understand its underlying causes, and learn how to support them effectively. This will allow us to help them navigate their formative years, so they may become healthier adults. 

What is the Importance of Mental Health in Teens?

The importance of mental health in teenagers cannot be overstated. Adolescence is a critical time for mental and emotional development. This is a time when most of the foundations of our future well-being is built. 

Here are some key reasons why mental health matters for teens:

Academic Success

Mental wellbeing plays a significant role in a teenager’s mental/cognitive ability. Being in a positive mental state improves their ability to concentrate, learn, and perform well academically. These tools are also essential when they enter the workplace in adulthood, since these are also building blocks for success. Hence, teenagers having a positive mental health makes success in academics and in the workplace more viable. 

Healthy Relationships

Being mentally healthy enables us to have better relationships with the people around us. Teenagers with good mental health tend to form healthier relationships with their family, friends, and romantic partners. That’s because they’ll have higher self-esteem. And would be less likely to show toxic behaviours toward the people around them. 

Physical Health

As we mentioned in previous articles, mental and physical health are closely interrelated. If you’re suffering from poor mental health, then you’re more likely to have poor physical health as well. Teenagers who are mentally healthy tend to be more energetic and fit, compared to those who are suffering from poor mental health. Moreover, they are able to sleep better, and are less likely to get sick. That’s because mental health challenges can lower our immune system. 

Foundation for Adulthood

These formative years are when we get exposed to the world. As teenagers, we start to gain a level of independence and responsibility both inside and outside the house. It’s also a time when we learn how to cope and manage different situations in our lives. This is also when we learn most of the “soft skills” we’ll need to succeed in adulthood. Things like emotional resilience, problem-solving skills, empathy, and stress management, 

Teenagers who learn healthy mental habits tend to be more successful in their later life. They’re less likely to develop negative habits and addictions. And they'll be more likely to be happier, healthier, and wealthier than those with poor mental health habits. 

What are the Common Mental Health Issues in Teens?

There are several mental health issues common among teenagers. Recognizing these issues is the first step in providing support and intervention. Which would ultimately help improve their mental well-being.  

Some prevalent mental health concerns include:

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders are on top of the list for mental health challenges faced by teenagers. Many of them experience Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder, and specific phobias. Their anxiety can manifest as excessive worry, fear, restlessness, and panic attacks. They might even feel some cognitive and physical symptoms. 


The next most prevalent mental health challenge for teens is depression. Teenage depression may lead to persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. Aside from these feelings, many teenagers have thoughts of self-harm and suicide. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death in adolescents. 

Body Dysmorphia 

Since teenagers experience a lot of changes in their body, they’re also becoming more conscious of their appearance. They tend to develop more insecurities about their bodies, especially if they have features that aren’t common – making them subjects of bullying. This makes body dysmorphia a prevalent mental health challenge for teens. As a result, some teenagers may develop eating disorders to cope with their insecurities. 


Our teenage years are always an era of experimentation. We try out different things and experiences. And this usually includes substances like alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. A lack of guidance and education about these substances can start an addiction that could be brought to adulthood. Moreover, addiction is actually more of an outcome of underlying mental health challenges. That’s because it tends to become an unhealthy coping mechanism for unwanted feelings. 

Mood Disorders

Because of the changes in hormones, teenagers tend to experience more mood swings than children and adults. These might include extreme mood swings, anger issues, or extreme sadness. Although these emotions tend to be normal, it becomes alarming once it’s on the extreme end of the spectrum, and becomes disruptive to them or the people around them. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is one of the most prevalent mental health issues experienced by adolescents. In fact, it impacts 7.4% of all Australian children and adolescents. Teens with ADHD typically find it hard to sit still and focus in school. This impacts their ability to perform well in their academics. One of the prevalent theories right now is that modern technology amplifies ADHD especially in teens. 

What are the Common Causes of Mental Health Issues in Teens?

As we mentioned in our previous articles, there are different causes for mental health challenges. The same is true with teenagers. That’s why knowing these factors can help you create changes and develop coping strategies for your adolescents. 

Biological Factors

Genetics and brain chemistry play a role in a teenager's susceptibility to mental health disorders. If they have close relatives – parents, siblings, grandparents – who experience mental health issues, it’s likely that they’ll experience it too. But aside from genetics, one of the top culprits of mental health issues in teenagers are their changing hormones. 

Environmental Stressors

Teenagers experience a lot of various stressful events during these years. That’s because it’s their first time experiencing the world as it is, without the protection of their parents. Hence, it’s in this time when they’ll experience heartbreaks, trauma, bullying, or violence. All these events can negatively affect their mental health. That’s why it’s important they get the right support they need. 

Family Dynamics

Aside from external environmental stressors, teenagers may also experience family turmoil that triggers their mental health issues. Events like serious illnesses, death of a relative, or divorce are all traumatic events that can lead to mental health challenges in teens. 

Social Media and Peer Pressure 

The world today is very open. We have virtually unlimited access to everyone all over the world because of the internet and social media. This makes comparisons to other people more prevalent, especially amongst teenagers. Extended social media usage can create peer pressure to keep up with the top influencers and their peers. This ultimately can trigger different forms of anxiety and other mental health problems in adolescents. 

How Does Mental Health Issues Affect Teens?

Mental health issues have various effects on teenagers. That’s because mental health challenges leak through all aspects of our lives, and it’s not just in our minds. Here are some of the most common ways mental health challenges impact teenagers:

Academic Impairment

Poor mental health negatively affects our cognitive abilities. It makes us harder to focus on tasks, undisciplined to follow-through, and makes thinking difficult. Essentially, mental health challenges create brain fog that limits our cognitive abilities. For teens, this could drastically impact their academic performance.  

Social Isolation

Because of various mental health challenges like anxiety or body dysmorphia, teenagers tend to isolate themselves from the people around them. This makes it more challenging to overcome the mental health challenges because isolation can create feelings of loneliness – compounding on existing issues. 

Physical Health Problems

Mental health challenges come with physical symptoms as well. Teenagers might experience fatigue, headaches, and body aches. Moreover, since their immune system also declines when facing these challenges, they tend to catch illnesses more. 

Risk Behaviours

Without proper guidance and intervention, some teenagers might develop risky behaviours like addiction or crime. That’s because they’re not able to process their thoughts and feelings properly. 


As we mentioned beforehand, suicide is the second leading cause of deaths in adolescents. That’s because they tend to think, attempt, and perform self-harm behaviours more than any age group. This is especially true for teenagers who lack guidance in navigating their emotions. 

How to Help Teens Cope with Their Mental Health Issues

Supporting a teenager's mental health is important because it sets them up for a better adulthood, and prevents them from spiralling down. Helping them navigate their mental wellness involves a combination of awareness, communication, and seeking professional help when needed. 

Here are some strategies for helping teens cope with their mental health issues:

Open Communication

Even before adolescence, it’s important to build an environment where your children can safely express their emotions. They need to grow up in an environment where they would feel free to voice out their thoughts and feelings without being judged. This helps them feel at ease in talking to you about the emotions they’re experiencing. 

Educate Yourself

As guardians, it’s important for us to know the most common mental health issues in teens, and their signs and symptoms. This will help us easily identify behavioural changes in our wards. Allowing us to intervene earlier. It’s also important to teach our children about mental health and emotional intelligence, so they can identify their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 

Encourage Healthy Habits

As we mentioned before, healthy habits like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep, have a positive impact on mental health. That’s why it’s important you instil these habits in your children. Enrol them in sporting classes so they can also build their social skills while strengthening their minds and body. 

Limit Screen Time

Social media and other applications aren’t healthy for children and teens. That’s why it’s important to monitor and manage their screen times to healthy amounts. Moreover, it’s also beneficial to have open discussions about the things they see on the internet – helping them understand what is healthy and what’s not. 

Seek Professional Help

Make sure to normalise seeking professional help in your household. This would make it easier for teenagers to seek help for their mental problems. And if you notice persistent or severe symptoms, consult a mental health professional. Therapy, counselling, and, in some cases, medication can be effective treatments for mental health challenges in teens. Moreover, managing and overcoming these challenges is easier if caught early on. 


Teenage mental health is an important component of our children’s overall well-being. It affects not only their current quality of life but also their future success and happiness. By recognizing the importance of mental health in teens we can help adolescents navigate the challenges of their formative years and build a foundation for a healthy, fulfilling future. 

Remember, being there for your teen and taking their mental health seriously can make a world of difference in their life.

If you’re worried that your child, relative, or someone you care about suffers from a mental health issue, it’s your responsibility to help them seek help. The first step is getting a proper diagnosis from a professional. MeHelp provides mental health consultation and diagnosis through telehealth. Making it easier for you and your loved one to seek help. 

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